
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Selasa, 1 Februari 2011

Pelempuan itu~~

Dedicate to my beloved men:

One woman loves you
That woman loves you wholeheartedly
She follows you around like a shadow everyday
That woman is laughing and crying
Just how much more do i have to gaze at you alone
This love that came like the wind
This love like a beggar
If i continue this way, will you love me?
Just came a little nearer a little more
If  i take one step closer to you
Then you take two steps back
I who love you is next to you even now
That woman cries
That woman's personality is very shy
So she learned how to laugh
That woman's heart has many stories that she can't tell her best friend
Her heart is filled with scars
So that woman
You, she loved you
Because you were the same way
yet another fool, yet another fool
Can't you hug me before you go?
I want to be loved, baby
Everday in my heart
Just in my heart
I shout and that man is next to his even today
Do you know that woman is me?
You aren't doing this to me even though you know it?
You probably don't know
Because you're a fool

Wa sekalang suda jatuh cinta sama ini olang..
olang ini amat sgt wa kenal tp apa kn daya, olang ini sgt xkenal wa.huhu
meh sama2x tgk cite korea "Secret Garden"..tacing sgt cite ni.

Cuti-cuti mid sem korang buat pe yer?
aku? tdo,mkn, blogwalking, solat, tgk cite korea..
sekian, babai.

12 ulasan:

Hunny berkata...

dah pakai tudung ala-ala hana tajima. eh betul ke kak hani sebut? :P

Tanpa Nama berkata...

i pon same mcm u, tp i tmbah lg satu siapkn asemen...wakaka
rjen tak ??

Halia Kentang @ Annpaan berkata...

hunny: hehehe..alah, yg tue sesaje je try.amcam ok x?hehe

Halia Kentang @ Annpaan berkata...

ninot: wah, anda mmg sgt2x rajen.aseimen per?

aishah berkata...

hai...nice blog...suka juga cerita korea..=)

Halia Kentang @ Annpaan berkata...

aishah: hi!..tenkiu3x...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

u, i wat asemen keje2 uma jer..u nak tlong siapkn asemen rasmi I tak??

Halia Kentang @ Annpaan berkata...

sy snggup wat pe saja tuk mu..
eh, aseimen sejarah camne??

Tanpa Nama berkata...

tu la mksud i, u nak tak siapkn asemen arkib sej i tu??

Tanpa Nama berkata...

wee tgk cerita korea.
dream high .. ^^

Halia Kentang @ Annpaan berkata...

ninot: aseimen arkib???erkkk, xpndai la sejarah2x ni..huhuhu..u tlng i ley??

nulhazwany: hehehe..u suka tgk jgk ker??

Tanpa Nama berkata...

i lg x pndai sejarah ni uolsss..adehhh